Protagonist, desperado, villain, criminal, thoughtless, hero, unlawful, superior, defender, and sensible; these are the qualities possessed by any anonymous spyware so-called hacker. What may possibly can a submissive hacker perform? These unidentified personalities know how to trace internet protocols and execute its program; they can read supplementary private messages from social sites, they have supremacy over someone’s profile, steals data, manages to create other program in contrast to the real entity like producing free calls and so as free downloads that may acquire bugs, commands online banking or teller machines to pull out a firm amount of money.
Though some hackers are intended to defend a pledged company and protect from other illegal hackers. Are hackers a hero or villains?
Under this statement is a video courtesy of YouTube. This speaks about cyber crimes and potential targets like us.
In addition, a grey hat hacker is a skilled hacker that sometimes fall from either ethical entities or unethical. They do not have malicious reasons and personal achievement such as but may perform criminal intention to ensure complete and better security.
Who's your bet? White hat hackers are heroes. Though they are hackers, they still have the intention to secure a computer system.
"The new breed of hackers are driven by money, that's their main motivation, extorting businesses and other institutions. A few years ago it was just guys doing it for fun."
Jacques Erasmus
Jacques is a
noble white hat hacker and was once an adolescent who breaks into computer
systems for pleasures and is now a money-spinning security expert who designs
counter measures adjacent to hackers and computer villains. Below is a video coverage [courtesy of YouTube] of an interview from BBC World with Jacques.
Hacking computer system, database, stealing information without any authorization has
always been at the top of rumors. So why not try hacking other's life or even yours? No!! Just kiddin'.
Remember that
hacking shouldn’t be always called as terrible entity. There are hackers whose
intention is to guarantee full security for company with vast database. So try
hacking for other's sake not just for your own good.
I thought I'm reading a blog of a professional blogger. Well done, nice idea of comparing a hero and a criminal to define a hacker.
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